For some rare reason - Brian thinks it may have something to do with all the rain - we had a spring morning moment here yesterday when I walked out into the yard as the sun was coming up and caught a glimpse of this magnificent beauty. Nature never ceases to amaze and puzzle us in the best of ways. I have been anticipating this unfolding for many days when I discovered a bloom on our Golden Torch at such an unseasonable time. What an enjoyable surprise.
Just look at that thing! It is HUGE! The fact that an ugly, prickly stick in the ground can produce such a delicate ornament is the coolest paradox and perhaps the very reason why we love to plant many different varieties of cacti in our yard. The spring is just awesome when all around the city, Arizona's native plants are in full bloom.
So here in Phoenix we don't celebrate or welcome autumn in quite the same way elsewhere, but the cooler mornings and welcome late-summer rains have given us a gift of a different sort and we're enjoying it while we can.