For three days this July we escaped the heat and traveled with the family to a little place called Hannagan Meadow so far east it's almost in New Mexico. The mountain air, while crisp and cool, is thin outside of Alpine, AZ because it's above 9,000 feet. We enjoyed the best cabin living has to offer: birding, hiking, lounging, gazing, cooking, drinking, and visiting. The cabin itself is a highlight for me because it's like living in a tiny house! A view out the window, a dog on the porch, and drink in hand. Who needs it any other way?
Fortunately I got lots of lazy birding in. We visited a Fire Tower which was manned and open for visitors. We stayed and chatted a while, taking in the incredible views of the mountains and the Broad-Tailed and Rufous Hummingbirds. By the end of the visit we concluded that summer atop a Fire Lookout is exactly the way to go.
A trip suitable for Sequoia Dog is rare and eventful, especially when your dog gets car sick and the destination is 6 hours away. But we planned well for the drive and she had a blast.
We were lucky to have the company of a Cordilleran Flycatcher family living in the corner of the porch with brand-new little babies to feed. Mom and Dad worked hard all day long delivering meals and snacks. They waited patiently every time before swooping to ensure that all was clear. We did our best to give them space and peace. This is where a long lens comes in handy. We can keep our distance but still catch a peak!
We saw a lot of deer, lots of beautiful wildflowers, and at least 21 identified birds including Mountain Bluebirds, Norther Flickers, a Green-Tailed Towhee, many hawks, and an owl! We think it was a Spotted Owl, but it was very far away so hard to tell and I was so enraptured I forgot to get a picture.
Summer Tanager |
Prairie Falcon |
On the way home, we took a detour to go through picturesque Salt River Canyon. What a view!
Just before leaving we managed to get everyone together for a family photo. Until next time!