Sunday, February 23, 2014

Desert Spring

Finally the morning has broken.  The blue bird has sung.
The apple tree is blooming!
I am not a winter girl, so January and February are difficult for me.  I struggle to think positively, feel motivated, or even emotionally hopefully.  When spring comes, I feel like myself again.  This is why living in a place with long, dark seasons is not good for me.

This is why we call the desert home.

In late February, here in Arizona, spring has sprung.  I celebrated by baking Vanilla Orange Scones with the last of the season's winter citrus, and seeding wildflowers and marigolds as Brian planted the next crop of vegetables for summer harvest.  Mostly I enjoy my job so much more than his because it only involves a bit of throwing around and surface raking.  I cross my fingers all is well and water them every now and then.  I love that wildflowers aren't fussy, like me.