Saturday, March 22, 2014

Baby Dresden

Today I drove to Gilbert to help my sister paint her nursery.  Baby Dresden was born unexpectedly last weekend and they have been playing catch up, or slow down, or speed up, or sleep-when-you-can ever since.  So today, while the temperatures reached 80+ with a carefree breeze, we rolled up our sleeves and dove head first into "seafoam."

With all windows open and sun spilling into the room, Dresden slept off and on as we worked, and then checked, and then worked and then checked, to make sure that she was still there, still moving, still breathing, still lovely all curled up in her cradle.  We spoke often of how her teeny little body is even able to process life outside of the womb, her skin all crinkly and her limbs awkward as she crosses her eyes, but mostly closes them and sleeps.  Or eats.  This little life is miraculous and humbling.  These are the thoughts I had while painting on the first day of spring break with my sister, wishing for Brian, relishing the weather, and enjoying the company.