Saturday, March 29, 2014

Intro to Backpacking I: Thoughts on Backpacking Philosophy

My husband and I consider ourselves professional car campers, but we are still finding our stride in the backpacking world.  Generally speaking the fanaticism which often clouds this activity turns me away from it, as obsessing over ounces seems to suck all spontaneity out of the adventure, before the adventure has even begun.  Also, I feel that this mentality excludes many people from trying it out for themselves because the gear seems so expensive and so exhaustive, and the planning so intensive.  But I'm here to tell you a secret.

It doesn't have to be that way.

You should never let a $350 backpack come between you and The Grand Canyon just because somewhere someone who seems to know something told you that's what's required.  It's not.  You can hike the canyon in a $30 backpack from Walmart.  I know, because I did it.  But that was many years ago, which I'll write about some other time.

For now... we just returned for a three day trip with my sister and her husband and we took way too much food, (as you can see).  We knew we were taking too much, even for four of us.  But the best way to truly figure it out is to keep trying, (not just reading about it on the internet), so we learned a lot on this trip that I will put to great use on our next four day adventure planned for May.  

It isn't only about ounces.  It's also about preference.  So we took too much food, who cares.  Next time we'll know better because this time we didn't.  And that's just fine with me.  

Next up:
Intro to Backpacking II:  Gear Needs vs. Gear Wants